10 Best Car Waxes

I am not a fan of 10 best lists unless we are talking about binge-worthy Netflix series or top 10 must-see movies once I have run out of options and I find myself in desperation mode.

10 best car waxes

For this moment I am going to assume that while you may feel you are desperate to find a quality wax or sealant to use on your car paint, you don't really want to spend a half hour reading the reviews on 10 different car wax products, nor purchase 10 different car wax products in an attempt too find the best.

You probably want a very good product and one that is reasonably priced.

You probably also want this product to go on easy, come off easy, while providing great protection.

Car Wax or Ceramic Coating?

Modern-day technology has moved from old-school traditional car waxes into the world of advanced chemistry and formulating to provide us car owners with superior protection in the form of ceramic coatings.

Which then brings us back to my original assumption of dismissing a "10 best car waxes" list and getting right to a solution.

nu finish ceramic coating spray

Nu Finish Ceramic Coating on Amazon

  • Ceramic coating in a spray
  • Easy to use
  • Economical
  • Excellent durability
  • Comes with Rapid Shine as "maintenance" product
  • The winning combination!

Nu Finish has been around for decades. They have kept up with advances in chemical engineering and now have their version of the winning qualities of ceramic coating in an easy-to-use spray.

What is the Best Car Wax?

There seems to be a theme with people and their endless quest for the best car wax. Most of us want shine and most of us want protection.

And none of us want to break the bank to get these winning qualities.

the best car wax in the sun

If you are as old as I am, you would have defaulted to some type of car wax as your go-to form of paint protection.

And car waxes still work, but now we have better in the form of ceramic and graphene products.

While you may resist adopting new technology due to lack of confidence, I can assure you that this new technology will give you what you want as a car owner:

  • Shiny paint
  • Protected paint
  • Done so with a product that works
  • Done with a product that is so easy to use the product actually makes it onto your car paint

After all, what good is shopping for the best car wax if this wax never makes it onto your car paint.

Which is why when my customers ask me what I consider to be the best car wax, I tell them the following:

"Whichever wax makes it onto your car more often, not less often."

What If?

What if you remain on the fence and can't commit to new technology and want a true wax for your car paint?

I get the struggle and for this reason I provide the following alternative if you are such a person.

meguiar's ultimate liquid wax

Meguiar's Ultimate Liquid Wax on Amazon

  • Considered both consumer and enthusiast grade
  • Thin-Film technology delivers effortless application and removal
  • Can be applied in direct sunlight
  • Will not stain black trim
  • Advanced synthetic polymer technology
  • Creates a super hydrophobic (water fearing) barrier that allows for maximum water-beading results
  • One of my favorites
  • Excellent overall reviews
  • For any beginner car owner or person looking to get into professional detailing who doesn't want to over-think or over-spend, but simply wants terrific results

P21s carnauba paste wax

P21s Carnauba paste wax on Amazon

  • One of my personal favorites.
  • Considered true professional grade (notice the pricing)
  • One of the paste waxes I use professionally.
  • Excellent for any colored car.
  • As easy as easy gets!
  • Excellent reviews!

Darren's Professional Side-bar Tips:

clay bar kits used before using 10 best car waxes
  1. Many people still exist who have either never heard of detailing clay, (also referred to as the clay bar or surface preparation bar) or still think they can bypass this very important and critical step of proper car paint care. If you are one of these people, you are grossly mistaken, and not only will any of the 10 best car waxes below perform less than acceptable, but your end results will also be less than superior. I cannot stress enough how necessary using the clay bar as part of the waxing process plays in the overall experience from start to finish! I get more positive feedback from first time users regarding the use of detailing clay than on any other subject! See this page for a complete Q. and A. session to explain proper use of detailing clay with expert recommendations.
  2. Also worthy of noting is that detailing clay will not save damaged paint or be a substitute for paint polishing. (this link will open into my other website) If your paint is damaged or severely neglected, no car wax in the world is going to allow you to bypass the necessary steps of recovery or restoration your car paint may be in need of.
  3. Whether we are talking about car wax or paint polishing, experience has shown that many people come to 10 best car waxes with unrealistic expectations. Any of my car wax recommendations below are excellent products and will produce excellent results. Ultimately a users preference will be about the subtleties of a particular product. Once again, if you are looking for some wonder wax to fix all your car paint problems or just have unrealistic expectations in general, no car wax in the world is going to fix this!

10 Best Car Wax Summary

Any search online will produce and endless stream of reviews and opinions. I have tested these products out in the real world of professional detailing and they promise to deliver.

As an ending note, let me add a few points:

P21s car waxUsing P21s to enhance the flawless finish on this car

  • Contrary to this page defining the 10 best car waxes, the waxes I have chosen are not only some of my favorites, but promise to perform for you.
  • Rather than bury you with choices until you are frozen in anxiety, I have limited my top rated picks.
  • Do not fall prey to the age old slogan of "more is better". Applying car wax does not require a heavy layer of wax. In fact, you could adopt the "Less is better" mentality and you will find that your user experience is as rewarding as your finished results.
  • You can apply any of these car waxes in any method you choose (hand or machine).
  • You can use any applicator cloth you want so long as it is either a foam, micro-fiber, or supplied wax applicator pad. (if you use my Amazon links and make a purchase, simply do a search within Amazon at the same time for any wax applicators and read the reviews)
  • Use any of these waxes to produce added gloss and depth, while adding a layer of protection.
  • Regardless of your exact choice of my 10 best car waxes, I recommend an application of every 3-6 months. The more or longer your car is subject to dirt and sun on a daily basis, the more frequently you should be applying wax.

If you have made it this far then you deserve a medal of honor! In today's world of instant gratification, most people just want an instant answer without putting any effort into fully educating themselves to become a truly informed consumer and car owner.

Taking a subject like the 10 best car waxes and reducing it down to a more simplified approach should get you to the results you are really after in a much quicker way.

I hope that you now have the information to make better decisions when it comes to products for your car, but are now more knowledgeable than even most beginner professional detailers I come across in my travels.


Darren Priest


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