You've got questions...
I have answers.

What To Expect Inside The Vault?

  • Real-world experience.
  • Tips and tricks for starting your own detailing business.
  • Tips and tricks to becoming more profitable with your detailing business.
  • Answers to the questions you aren't asking, but should be asking.

Only The Serious Need Apply

There are plenty of so-called experts, so-called professionals, and "YouTube Detailers" available to misguide you down the path to your next bad decision!

The Internet and social media are filled with more and more hack detailers looking to capitalize on your ignorance and inexperience... and do so at your expense!

My tips and tricks come from the real world of professional detailing where I have walked-the-walk for over 30 years.

I hope to see you inside the Vault soon!


Darren Priest


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